lustrador digital, videografo, un talento de Xalapa Veracruz que
conecta su trabajo al mundo de rap en el sureste.
“El Rap lo conoci en el barrio, en mi colonia.”
Multifacetico, el mil usos, Joan Vazquez nos cuenta que desde
niño la influencia musical en casa lo atrapo y desde la secundaria el rap lo atrapo, se inicio en el freestyle y decidio probar distintas cosas, siempre aprendiendo sobre lo que le interesaba,
conociéndose, entendiendo su camino con una sola meta clara,
sabia que sin importara a que se dedicara el seria de los mejores, le toco iniciarse en la vida laboral a muy temprana edad
para hacerse cargo de si mismo y pasar por varios años difíciles
pero no perdió la actitud y la determinación, asi en 2018 arranca con @muchabaura__ un proyecto que inicio con ilustración
digital y que gracias a su talento, perseverancia y compartiendo
su trabajo en redes sociales llego a Charles Ans conocido exponente del genero quien expuso su trabajo y lo impulso.
Al dia de hoy a trabajado con diversos raperos y youtubers y
eso que podría decirse que apenas esta empezando.
Ya dejo el empleo, se dedica 100% a esto. No lo tenia planeado,
hizo su propio camino y ahora esta viajando y viviendo

Digital polisher, videographer, a talent from Xalapa Veracruz
who connects his work to the world of rap in the southeast.
“I met Rap in the neighborhood, in my neighborhood.”
Multifaceted, the thousand uses, Joan Vazquez tells us that
since he was a child the musical influence at home caught
him and since high school rap caught him, he started freestyle and decided to try different things, always learning about
what interested him, getting to know each other, Understanding his path with a single clear goal, he knew that regardless
of what he was doing, he would be one of the best, he had to
start working life at a very early age to take care of himself
and go through several difficult years but he did not lose faith. attitude and determination, so in 2018 he started with @
muchabaura__ a project that began with digital illustration and
that thanks to his talent, perseverance and sharing his work
on social networks reached Charles Ans, a well-known exponent of the genre who exhibited his work and promoted it.
As of today, he has worked with various rappers and youtubers
and that could be said to be just beginning.
I’ve already left the job, he dedicates himself 100% to this.
He did not have it planned, he made his own way and now he is
traveling and living

By admin

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